Saturday, April 18, 2015

Vegas Here I Come!

I've been told the Elkhart masters are planning a trip to Vegas soon. This pirate's never seen Vegas. Sounds like I need to stowaway on this trip and hit the high seas with them! Just in case, I've been brushing up on my poker and craps skills. Arrrgghhhhh!!!!!! 
Practicing throwing the dice

With a little help from a few friends, I can now smoke anyone at Poker. I'd like these coins better if they were made of gold, though.

The Doc is In

Thank goodness there was a doctor in. My South Bend master recently discovered an injury to my neck. Nothing a little super glue couldn't fix. Didn't want to become the Headless Pirate.

All fixed up.

Finding the right ride

Well, there were no ducks in this household so I had to try a few more modes of transportation so I could try to plan my next great escape.  I managed to befriend a nice fellow named Noah but I quickly planned a mutiny with his animals (two of each kind, mind you), and stole his boat. Alas, it was not large enough to get all of us very far so I abandoned it. I'm sure Noah will find his way back to it soon.

Shortly after the failed boat misson, I met a not so little pony that was also very pink. Not the worst way to travel. Definitely has some horse power. Hahahaha!! Arrrgghhh!!!!!!!!

Banished again

My Elkhart masters decided to ship me back to South Bend. Except this time, they were almost caught in the act. They tried to put me in one of the little lassie's backpacks but I was discovered. So, they had me hitch a ride on the back of their van on the way home.

I think this is my least favorite mode of transportation so far.

Life at Sea

I managed to commandeer a boat and practiced my skills at sea. They're a little rusty. Mates, a pirate should never live life without the sea.

The Return to Elkhart

My master's decided I needed to head back to Elkhart for a bit. The recipients weren't too thrilled at my arrival.

I started planning my return.

South Bend fun

This city known as South Bend is turning out to be a fine place. I met a few lassies who reside at my current dwelling and we go in to a little trouble.